Ghost Ranch 2019

The following are classes offered for 2019 at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, New Mexico. To register for classes at Ghost Ranch contact them through their website, or by phone. 877/804-4678. You may contact me directly for class/instructional specifics or to arrange custom workshops.
September 29 – October 5
Fall Colors Galore
Workshop ID: G190934
Join teachers Kent Bowser and John Hayden as you search out and capture images in brilliant splashes of color along the canyon floors and mountain tops that herald the advent of fall. Participants will drive and hike to exquisite locations and experience the best of northern New Mexico’s autumn color. The course will highlight digital photography and concentrate on developing/improving each photographer’s skill and experience. All levels of photographic experience are welcomed.
Bring the camera and gear you wish to use and a personal laptop/tablet with image editing programs pre-loaded. We encourage group sharing and input, yet respect and build on individual expression. Participants should be able to walk 3 to 5 miles over uneven terrain at elevations of 6-11K feet. Early, late and all-day sessions are to be expected. Go to the Ghost Ranch page for this class to sign up or view full details. View Details
$675.00 to $1,195.00
October 13 – October 19
Autumnal Color and Light in Northern New Mexico
Workshop ID: G191031
Experience the transforming beauty of autumn in the Piedre Lumbre valley with your eyes and your digital camera. Instructors Kent Bowser and Jenny Gorman will take students to different locations to find brilliant colors and inspirational light. Prepare to hike canyons and ridges in pursuit of breathtaking photos. Go to the Ghost Ranch page for this class to sign up or view full details. View Details
$675.00 to $1,540.00
November 3 – November 8
Black and White Photography and Time (Archaeology)
Workshop ID: G191111

Explore archaeological sites on and near Ghost Ranch with photographer Kent Bowser and archaeologist Cheryl Muceus whom have taught together at Ghost Ranch since 1991. Learn to record and photograph sites using Single Lens Reflex cameras, black and white film and then process and print in the Ranch’s darkroom. Rock art, tipi rings, ancestral Puebloan structures and historic Spanish sites will be discussed, explored and photographed. Go to the Ghost Ranch page for this class to sign up or view full details. View Details
$550.00 to $1,285.00